

  1. Object
  2. How Woonivers works
  3. Utilities of Woonivers
  4. Subscription to Woonivers
  5. Access to the service
  6. User’s responsibility
  7. Responsibility of Woonivers
  8. Intellectual and Industrial Property
  9. Protection of personal data
  10. Links
  11. Modification of conditions
  12. Notifications
  13. Legislation and applicable forum


  1. Object

These Terms and Conditions regulate the provision of services through the mobile application and / or web page titled by the company Woonivers Spain S.L. (onwards Woonivers), consisting of a platform for passenger services (the User onwards), with the purpose of guaranteeing the intermediation in the provision of financial services destined to the return of taxes to tourists derived from purchases in Spain in accordance with the regulations of the Tax Agency, and subject to the pertinent authorization.

The User must read careful attention these Terms and Conditions and determine, freely and voluntarily, if he wishes to use Woonivers. Users are considered to be any person, whether physical or legal, accessing, browsing, using or participating in the services and activities, free or onerous, developed through the Woonivers application or through the website www.woonivers.com, and through said access, it is committed to the observance and rigorous compliance of the present dispositions, as well as to any other legal disposition that results from application, obliging itself to make a correct use of the website. The user will be liable to Woonivers or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation.


  1. Operation of woonivers

(To be complete by the company)


  1. Utilities of Woonivers

(To be complete by the company)


  1. Subscription to Woonivers

To contract and access the service, it is necessary for the User to be of legal age, accept these Conditions, prior to reading, and compromise to make diligent use of the website in accordance with the stipulations of these Conditions and the applicable regulations. .

To register in Woonivers the User must indicate a email address, a mobile phone number and a password that guarantees the minimum security specified in the registration form. This data will be used as a communication channel with the User to resolve incidents in the account.

In the case of loss and / or forgetfulness of the access code, Woonivers will send a message via email where a link will appear that will allow you to assign a new password to access the Service, always upon request of the User.

Verification and identify

User agree to cooperate with all requests made by us or any of our third party service providers on our behalf in connection with Woonivers. This may include, but not limited to, asking you for further information that will allow Woonivers to reasonably identify you, including requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your phone number or payment instruments.

We reserve the right to close, suspend, or limit access to your Woonivers account and/or the Woonivers services in the event we are unable to obtain, verify such information or you do not comply with our requests under of these Terms.

You must ensure the information on your Woonivers account is always accurate and up to date. If at any time we believe that your information is outdated or inaccurate, we may contact you and request further information or request that you go through the verification process again.


  1. Acces to the service

Woonivers is mainly offered through its mobile application, notwithstanding the extension of access routes to computer equipment and other telematic channels that technology allows in the future.

The functionalities of the service will be the same when it is accessed through mobile devices or other means other than computer equipment, always taking into account that some functionalities may not be fully operational for technical reasons.

Woonivers may block access and use of the service when deemed necessary for security reasons. To unblock the service, the User must use the tools enabled for this purpose or, in special cases, contact Woonivers through the generic email hello@woonivers.com.

The User is responsible for the custody of the access codes, not being authorized to share them with anyone. In case there is any security risk regarding these keys, the User must change them immediately. Likewise, the User may at any time modify or substitute their access codes, using the tools enabled for this purpose and rehabilitate the keys in case of forgetting.

The User assumes responsibility for the proper use of the portal in accordance with the Law and these conditions, responsibility that extends to the registration necessary to access certain services and content that are provided. Said registration entails the completion of the corresponding form, in which the user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all the data communicated and undertakes not to provide false, fraudulent or illegal information or documentation. The User will be solely responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to Woonivers or third parties for the information provided.


  1. User’s responsibility

The User is obliged to use the service in an appropriate manner, not to use access codes from third parties under any circumstances, maintain the confidentiality of the access codes to the service and update or cancel the personal keys of Woonivers.

The User expressly agrees to make appropriate use of the contents and services that are part of Woonivers, in accordance with the provisions of the law, morals, public order and these conditions and, with an enunciative, but not limited to, don’t use them to:

  • Disseminate criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, terrorism-apologetic content that attempts against human rights or, in general, contrary to law or public order.
  • Intentionally introducing computer viruses into the network or carrying out actions that may alter, interrupt or generate errors or damage to the systems of Woonivers, or third parties.
  • Attempt to access the email accounts of other users or restricted areas of the computer systems of Woonivers or third parties and, where appropriate, extract information.
  • Infringe the rights of intellectual or industrial property, as well as disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that involves a violation of the secrecy of communications and legislation on the protection of personal data.
  • Impersonate the identity of another user, public administrations or a third party, using their registration keys to the different services and / or contents of the website.
  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or otherwise publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding exploitation rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Collect data for advertising purposes and send advertising of any kind and communications for sale or other commercial purposes without requiring prior consent or consent.

Any breach of the clauses contained in this website and in general of the legislation in force in Spain, will be communicated immediately by Woonivers to the pertinent authorities, committing it to cooperate with them. In such case, the user will be liable to Woonivers or third parties for any loss and damage that may be caused as a result of breach of these obligations.


  1. Responsibility of Woonivers

Woonivers will not be liable for breach of these general conditions in the event that it is due to causes beyond its control, whether technical, security or otherwise. The User assumes the corresponding responsibility for any loss, damage or sanction that may occur as a result of this type of breach.

In addition, Woonivers will not be responsible for the contents provided by the Users through the tool, nor by the added entities, nor by the suggestions or orientations that Woonivers proposes through the functionalities of the application, or any other functionalities available now or in the future, nor of the damages or losses that may arise from the use of the Service by the User.

Woonivers does not constitute any kind of financial, investment, insurance, legal or tax advice. The information and comments that are inserted through their utilities are merely informative and do not respond to the actions that the User makes in view of said information.

Woonivers does not guarantee that its mobile application and / or its web page comply, totally or partially, with the legislations of other countries. Therefore, if the user resides or is domiciled in any place other than Spain, and decides to access and / or navigate this website, he will do so at his own risk, and must ensure that such access and / or navigation complies with the applicable local legislation in your case.

Woonivers is not responsible for any damage or loss arising from a denial of service attack, virus or any other program or technologically damaging material that may affect your mobile device, computer, computer equipment, data or materials as a result of the use of the mobile application, the web page or the download of its contents or those that it redirects.

Customer Support

From Woonivers we appreciate that the User send us their complaints and observations, in order to improve the service. Any complaint about us or the services we provide should be directed to the chat feature that appears on the control panel of the Woonivers application / mail address hello@woonivers.com. You must clearly indicate that you want to file a complaint. This helps us distinguish a complaint from a mere consultation. You can request a copy of our complaint procedure at any time by contacting Woonivers through any means enabled for that purpose.

You will be sent the resolution of your complaint within 15 working days after the presentation and, in exceptional circumstances, within the next 35 working days. If this is not possible due to unprovided circumstances or lack of information, we will contact you.


  1. Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the mobile app and the website, among others, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual content, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitute a work whose property belongs to to Woonivers, without which any of the rights of exploitation over them can be understood to be transferred to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the application and / or the web, and regardless of whether they are susceptible or not of intellectual property .

Likewise, all brands, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website are the property of Woonivers, without it being understood that the use or access to it attributes to the user any right over them.

It is forbidden the total or partial reproduction, exploitation, distribution, modification, assignment or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the owner of the exploitation rights. Any use not previously authorized is considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, the user must notify Woonivers of this circumstance attaching the pertinent information.

In any case, Woonivers does not assume any responsibility with respect to the rights of intellectual or industrial property owned by third parties that are infringed by a third party or by the user.


  1. Protection of Personal Data

To provide the service, Woonivers must obtain the Personal Profile of the User, without which it is impossible to provide the service in its entirety.

The Personal Profile of the User consists of the following personal data (being a non-exhaustive list): the ownership indicator, the email address and mobile number if it has been provided, the Internet connection IP, the browser’s identifier mobile, device characteristics, language of preference and country of location, session data (reference domain, pages visited, date and time of access to the web, geolocation), the access codes to the information of the accounts that are integrate.

The owner of the mobile application and the website agrees to treat the personal data of the user in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the subject. Specifically, it undertakes to apply the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

For more information about the processing of your personal data in the portal, go to the Privacy Policy (enter link).


  1. Links

The Woonivers app or web page, may contain links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, with respect to which it does not exercise any type of control. Therefore, once the User accesses the links of third parties and leaves the website, both this text, as the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy will no longer take effect, since the websites to which the user access are subject to their own policies.

Woonivers can not assume any responsibility for the content that may appear on the pages of third parties, nor does it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, amplitude, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of said links or hyperlinks. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections to third-party websites does not imply any kind of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.


  1. Modification of the conditions.

Woonivers may modify all or part of these Conditions communicating in any case to the User the existence of new Conditions.

The new Conditions will be considered accepted by the User if one month after the communication of the change, the User has not been removed from the Service. In any case, if there are additional subsequent changes in the treatment of personal data of the User, Woonivers will send a specific communication to the User recounting said change.


  1. Notifications

Notifications and communications between the User and Woonivers will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are made through postal mail or email. Users should contact Woonivers through:

  1. Sending by postal mail to the following address: C/ Reyes Magos, nº14, Madrid (28009).
  2. Sending by email to the following address: hello@woonivers.com.

Through the use of the mobile application and / or the website, the user implicitly accepts that most of the communications will be made electronically. For contractual purposes, the user consents to use this electronic means of communication and recognizes that any communication sent electronically meets the legal requirements.


  1. Legislation and applicable forum

The interpretation and execution of this contract are governed by Spanish law.

The parties submit to their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of Madrid.